Thursday, February 28, 2002

So, I was contemplating whether or not I want to talk about my personal life...I mean, it's probably a lot more interesting than any of my pontification...maybe. I guess I'll see how quickly I run out of things to say that even I can find interesting....
I sat on the stairs, white painted wood but with the edges worn off a little, and attempted to sing along though I honestly didn't know the words. My friend Jessie (or "Feffee" as my then-two-year-old brother called her) sat with me and did likewise, but it was her tape, so she knew it better. Today, I sat at my desk or on my bed and sang along to a different Lisa Loeb song and in entirely different company.
Doin some crazy music listening today...really a lot of the new Lisa Loeb album, which totally rocks, by the way. Shameless plug---buy the new Lisa Loeb, Cake and Pie. She's definitely been one of my musical heroes ever since Reality Bites hit the silver screen. Favorites on the new album include "Bring Me Up" and "You Don't Know Me," though the entire thing is pretty fantastic (especially tracks one through nine).

Lisa absolutely kicks on the electric twelve-string, by the way.
Not the best-written or most detailed review I've read of the album, but trust me, I can say lots of nice things about it. If you want to know any more, feel free to ask.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Mmm...this is probably only the third or fourth time I've ever gotten a headache from staring at the computer screen too long...must be the fact that there was some thought involved in the four hours I just spent to learn enough html to get by. :) nah. This is gonna take a while.... Better quit and do some homework before my head actually explodes.

Ah the sacrifices I'm willing to make for technological acceptance...

Taking one deep breath...

*sigh* this is where I'm going to start thinking out loud. Why, I'm not really sure. I guess I hope I'll find that I'm actually thinking something worthwhile. I want to talk, love, the future...see, maybe thinking out loud wasn't the best idea after all...

I've only been introduced to this wonderful world of blogging in the past month or so, at which point I was impressed to find that there are people brave enough to put...well...not even necessarily their private thoughts but even any thoughts out where everyone can read them. It just seems somewhat daunting, but maybe that's just because I'm working on the premise that people either don't care or will be terribly critical. And I suppose I'm ready to face either of those possibilities because just writing what I'm thinking, for once, feels pretty darn good.
Of course, my introduction into the world of online journals got me thinking about identity and the internet and how the two are related. For example, why am I trying this? It could be that I'm expecting someone to find and understand me. It could also be that I have some terribly important message to get across...but that's much less likely. I think the reason is mostly that I want to just say anything that crosses my mind to what seems, now at least, a very impersonal audience. Much easier than telling my roommate all this ridiculous stuff, for example. In a sense, though, I see myself sitting at my keyboard touchtyping insanely, and I see my own fingertips reaching out to a glowing web of veins that pulse in response to my touch. Like a tree, with little bits of water and minerals flowing just beneath the surface, off to more important places, maybe, but also feeding and feeding on my words.
I've been contemplating this for a week or two, actually, and I had decided that I'd better not start a blog because it would only serve as a distraction to my school work. Well...I'm sure it will, but this will hopefully also be a good way to get some of my thoughts and conflicts out of my head, not to mention maybe a way to meet some cool people. I was feeling especially distanced from my friends today and just decided that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to just write for a while.
I was just thinking that maybe I'd post a poem that I'd written, but I don't think I'm up to that just yet. Even trying to figure out what poem to write makes me miss the stars...just can't see them in the city.