Saturday, October 08, 2005

First homemade soup of the season. Thinking of you.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I love group performance art. Theater, music, dance. Like I’ve said before, I have no artistic impulses ripping themselves from my screaming flesh. It’s fun, but equally importantly, it’s productive. When you rehearse with a group, the goal is almost always to put on a performance, else why spend everyone’s time? If you sing or play an instrument solo, in your own home, it’s entirely likely that you’re just goofing off. Maybe nothing will ever come of it. It’s really kind of like some other individual activities I can think of that please no one but yourself.

And who would want to give up performing? When you’ve been in ballet slippers since the age of five, you can suffer from severe limelight withdrawal.

Mixing the cd has given me some satisfaction, though it involves no actual performance…at least I get my group art project fix.

As of today, it has been six weeks since I last worked with an ensemble.
The occasions on which I have run up against my own limitations are so few, far between, and happen under such extraordinary circumstances, that I’m not entirely sure what those limits are. I am a multitasking superpower.

Am I confident because I think I am capable of anything or just because I don’t know enough to make me timid? Does that make me innocent?

Whatever the value of bravery, I hope that it is high.

I am fearless.